Saturday, March 14, 2020

She loved her family too..

Aichu's Stories @ 5years:

Once upon a time there was a nice tile roofed home in a forest. Mom, dad and their son lived there. Alongwith them in their house there was a small pond with 3 turtles. Mom, dad and the Daughter turtle. 

Bringing food to the table was the biggest chore on Dad n mom’s everyday life. Son most days remained at home watching TV, doing legos or playing with the drer turtle. For a series of days the Mom n dad couldnt find enough food for the family. They were starving. Finally the only way to survive was to kill the turtles n have it as their food. Without much thought n with minimal pain they killed the big 2 turtles and boiled them for a soup. 
Mom, Dad and Son were sad but they had to do it. Son requested his parents that the Dter turtle should never be killed and they agreed. Turtle soup was good for couple of weeks, the dter turtle looked sad and spent most times at a corner chewing whatever dry grass she was provided.

Past a month..the family had to go out for food again..They went far n wide in the wood and finally stoned down a rabbit. That’s their meal for couple of weeks. They were happy and came running back to home. It was almost and the home was pitch black. Mom lighted a wick and searched for their son..he wasnt there. Mom & Dad were tensed n started searching around - in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the living room..their son was nowhere. Dter turtle was unusually active and the waves it made broke the eerie silence..Dad stared at the turtle n then slowly turned his sight to the chair near the pond..That’s unusual..

A skeleton was sitting on the chair..

It wasnt big nor was it was strangely familiar. he stepped closer..and gently touched one of the broken teeth..the skeleton trembled, pointed its finger towards the pond n gently whispered to the dad "I was eaten by the dter turtle n before i closed my eyes for the last said that she loved her family too" 😳

1 comment:

Chrisy Issac said...

I like the twists that you think of... Keep writing

frOm ThE dOG oF sMall ThInGs!!:)