it has been a long wait after the intro tat i gave around 1.5 yrs bacc..its olways said better late tan nvr..a lot has changed frm wre i left ten to wat it is no more crappy an lengthy preface...
so start camera action
it was breezy friday evening an the clounds movin smwhere above thot of unweighin themselves an released a sudden spurt of uncontrolled downpour on to the sun dried and dreary ravines of land below..panicker,pandithan an i, along with a few thousand aurangabandians wre at the recieving end of the sprayed was a much needed drizzle after a pretty long an hoot summer..the downpour was totally unexpected an cud hav well earned the title “shock n awe”. the avge aurangabandian was caught unawares, an after a few minutes of bewilderment moved out of the luxury of their roof, an thronged out to fully savour the mood an beauty of the of downpour.
come rain or shine: me, pandithan an panicker was unperturbed an were speedin thru th rejiocin denizens. v had some other obvious plans... as was the convention i was late for the occasion an inturn delayed the otherwise punctual panicker an pandithan. Being late was never an issue with me, ppl rarely set ny time for me, cos they realised quite early with their experiences that tre is olways some fatigue limits of dissappointment. i was quite aware of my bad schedule records, it wasnt th ideal time to be remorseful abt it. so i kept it well onto myself, an along with other 2, was sprinting to the default place in full vigour..
v reached the place: hotel rasoi (bar attached) fully drenched. It was olready 7:50 an we were a full 40 mins late..thomman kunju, nvy an pillaichettan were already tre at our fav corner, seated leisurely on the princely diwan..the ambience was typical BARish: dimly lit,smoke filled, loud laughters an the masala chartbusters playin in the baccground..i was never a regular to these denss as was pandithan an to a littl extent thomman kunjuu..panicker an pillaichettan wud hav lost the count of their visits hre..
without waitin further the order was placed, an i graduated frm sipping sweetcandy cokes to the bitter an mor better beers. As was the routine of our boozin sessions tre wre olways absorbing topics of discussion. The normal weekend boozing sessions wre perpetully laced with altercations ranging from bhagawathgeetha to kamasutra, crusades to jihad, F1 to sachin , page 3 stuffs lik angelina jolies latest adoption lists et al. it was no different tis time an after criss crossing thru a plethora of topics landed straight down at the world of blogging.this landing was not accidental, it was fully piloted by thomman kunju... i always put my view across each time something comes up for discussions but on this increasingly growing phenomenon i was mum an so was panikker, pillai 'chettan', pandithan and the savvy nvy. thomman kunju being a true core netizen went into the crux of the matter with an air of mastery. it seemed he was knwing everythin blogin.. tk also have a penchant of turning occidental aftr a peg or two, afterwhich oll his discloses wud be in shakesperean lingoo..with oll these attributes tk was really comin to groove.. it was vry rare in a barish scenario to see just one fellow holding the entire limelight of a group..even ppl fm across the adjoining seats started listening to himm.. it was truly turning out to b tk’s nite out..
Meanwhile the bartender had no spare time an was shuttling beteween our table and the mirrored cupboard hosting the best of Gin,vodka,rum,whiskey,brandy,tequila and my own beers. This day or say nite was big for me too as am puttin my first step in joining the league of kudiyans in my own small way. i was forced to cross the forbidden territories of boozin aftr i sat in th audience of some thought provoking an moolah raking series of speeches by nvy. hence the gyan of art of boozing was bestowed upon me by nvy. He had very strong points advocating the +ve effects of the use of alcohol in daily life. He had compiled a lot of info frm various sources abt its merits an summarized it along the following lines:
"Alcohol is a product that has provided a variety of functions for people throughout all history.The role of such beverages as thirst quenchers is obvious and they play an important role in enhancing the enjoyment and quality of life. They can be a social lubricant, can facilitate relaxation, can provide pharmacological pleasure. Thus, while alcohol has always been misused by a minority of drinkers, it has proved to be beneficial to most." the most striking bit of his disclosure was that the first surgeon of the world susrutha used to provide his patients with a dose of odoured beverage to allay their fears and in a way it acted as the first anaesthesia to have been administered.
all this made me to think hard about my teetotaller ways and i made my mind into joining the majority of beneficieries.but it was argued against by a stubborn ikka who believed it to be a haram by all means.but eventually the close band of 4 kudiyans** were now magnified to 5.
back to dimly lit smoke filled bar room. thomman kunju went beyond his normal limits in both the loquaciosness and no. of pegs he gulped. after his thought provoking lecture tk slowly wandered into some other realms of ecstacy. we started from wher he left and vowed to start a blog of our own. Thus it was on tat rainy evening the idea of a blog was kindled in our minds.after some more rounds we unanimously thought it was time to end our merry indulgence an of returning to our hostel an rooms. After 11, hostel gates gets closed an then its only bus stande sharanam. it was already 10.50 and nvy and rock steady pandithan went out for hiring an auto. the others assured themselves and others that they are fine and whenever possible said "njaan fittalla".
the one voice that was not heard was that of tk and when we made him to talk , he started to talk insanely, even the most elderly an revered figure named pillai chettan was not left alone as doms recited his own barani patt featuring pillai chettan in the was really getting hotter by every passin millisecond an to put it straight across tk pampaai** or in slaang marthi was turning out to be th unparallelled an unrivalled waqar younis of the nite. he plainly refused to walk and had to be physically lifted frm the couch tre. the barwallahs wer olso a terrified lot after they saw the matamorphosis of a good maanered neatly dressed chap speakin impeccable english into one who seemed to break away straight out from the dark cells of a mental sanatorium. i moved aside an took his mob an specs from the edge of the seat..i jus wanted to mov out of his highly violent gaze..
pillaichettan was resilient an was unruffled by th deep conotations givn by tk...may be pillai chettan belonged to the other breed..the ones who goes mum aftr a rnd or twoo..their co. together was a deadly mix an utterly was like hitler an gandhiji doin a jig togethr..wen pillaichettan was losin his ground a bit the ever reliable an mercurial GYMmy panicker rushed in an held tks other side..the long workouts he had with the southafrican batchmates wer really helpin him to counter the waviness an counterbalance forces generated by tk an was gettin mor an mor restless an he ordered someon to remove his shirt..bein the sober of th lot i resisted it an nw it was my turn for being at the receiving end of tks verbal vollies.. pillaichettan urged me to do so an i slowly unbuttoned his shirt this time we wre at th entrance of the lobby an pandithan was sprinting behind autos for a safe an quik jrney back home ..
the rickshaw wallas, being an intelligent lot olways knew tat its never arguable to go on a hire for th last man comin out of a bar as it is obvious tat he wud have certainly left his moolah an oll his money tre at th bar theyy r rite rickshawwallas are not ferryin passengers for any punyam ollsso...i olways admire the rickshaw wallas driving skills an believed that their mental reflexes an iq were of the highest order..this belief was more cemented by the lukewarm response they showed on that starless nite...
so we continued our waitin game..the bar was olso on the verge of gettin thre shutters down..suddenly tre was some sort of a violent trebulations inside the gastric system of tk an these trebulation an related fissures inside caused an eruption of a tsunami from deep inside..yup it was a complete cocktaiill an tk vented tat by openin his mouth far an wide...yes he did wat others failed to do. nalla lakshanamoth vaall**. The aroma olso spread throughout the air..after the colossal first hit it was followed by further mild was relieved..
the bar wallas opened up th half closed shutters, i for a moment thot they mite have opened to give him some water as is the norm after a bloody vaal, an i admired the sympathy shown by them for th badly bruised soul of tk. But as was happening for some time contrary to ma beliefs they quickly patched up another bill..40inr for cleaning the visible remains of our boozin nit..or for cleanin the signature v left, an handed over to me..i was really screwed for the feeling, that my intusions went really wrong; an the sec for it was unreasonable to charge us as the crime was done outside the bar living space..i plainly said nothin doin, an panicker, the sleeping psychopath started to tear of the bill..the owner,a staunch jai maharashtra follower was gettin equally mad @ our antics..i for a moment thot it is really turning out to be long nite..but nvy being a veteran problem solver an a seasoned campaigner came beteween us an settled the issue,panicker an the owner parted after givin each other a deadly eye to eye look...
tk was nw the remorseful fellow was xpressin himself to the sky above an was smtimes even cryin at the shame he brought to the entire boozin addicts of the world...pandithan atlast managed an auto an we all six jam packed inside tat small auto, even an ant wudnt hav dared to entr tat constrained space..the rods thru which we wre navigatin wre oll lookin clean an nu thanks to th rains an the unmistakable effects of few traces of alcohol runnin throu my blood streams...
the auto pilot was an old pious muslim with a snow white beard flowing down till his broad chest.the namaskaaram marks on his forehead also made him more respectful in ma eyes..i was sittin along with him an pandithan @ th drivers seatt..he softly asked me do u feel u r doin rite hre..i said i donno..pandithan said thou it oll turned to be a big farce at th endd our intensions wre good an we thoroughly enjoyed very bit of got his mind bacc an said its only nw tat v can do oll these an tre is no point in wasting the essense of these grt moments by prickin on it deeper an deeper..These xperiences are only goin to turn more sweeter an sweeter as the yrs pass by..the pilot got his answers loud an clear...
within a few more mins we reached our roomm, the affable an smart land lady livin on th grnd floor was standin near her porch as though xpecting uss. Pandithan,nvy,panicker an pillaichettan dashed to th hostel as it was olready late..a few more secs with tk wud certainly land them at th deserted cidco bus standd..the onus of responsibility was nw fully on me..eventhough tk had his mind at th rite place but was still movin in ways he didnt wanted to..chowkidaar too came closeby an lend his helpin hand..i smiled @ th madam..she was neveer prepared to see this absurdity let alone smile at me.. she asked me, andy com to me after u dispatch him of to the bed..aravii also rushed in an v three trasported tk to the top floor thru the helical go round steps..the guard said tat tre r no issues give him some dahi an verythin wud be noormal..i ten went on to cc the mdm down,aravi olso joined.
she was red hot (i mean vry angry an not th way u thinkk) an asked me 2 ques
explain wat was wrong wit us??
when was the earliest time tat we can shift frm her house??
i had to do smth fast an said poignantly tat "tk in th evenin recvd a coll frm his hom an he looked perplexed an lost after that. he left th class thn an tre, an he was seen later in front of th bar fully diillusioned". i olso patted me and my friends sayin it required the grandest of combing operation from we frnds to get him frm wre he was.
Madm looked less suspicious after my disclosures,,typical of the genre of women was nw even mor eager to hear his issues at th hom frnt. aravi the mor faithful face of our group,said tat tre r some deep internal probs in his home an it made him lose his sobriety..he elaborated sayin tat there is a big feud beteween two fractions of his fly an tk needed to unwind frm tis hectic stress.Aravi didnt stop tre an a string of more struggling backdrops painted tk’s acts as agrim response to the mental battles he was waging. Nw if tre was one person who supported his actions unconditionally then it was our mdm superior.
she was completely taken in confidence an v asked her not to mention anythin reg this to tk as it wud further devastate him.mdm readily agreed...We said a hearty goodnite to her an left off..on our way bacc we wre giggling at the bizzaare turn of events..
Next day mornin mdm came with a full wholesome breakfast an a glass of milk xclusively to tk.. an said some motivational quotes an some inspirational snippets frm her own life to boost up the virtual mental breakdown of listened verythin keenly an promised tat she will be seeing a more determined an brave tk frm nw onn..
aaa thenn...
the next weekend came..
As olways nothin boozers never changed as was th settings...
some things ought to remain as it is..because only then it looks more charming,appealing an we too decided to resist change an be wat v r..the only tweak was tk restrained himself to a preset quota an never discussed bloggin again...
P.S: As i started lot has changed nw...everythin looks beautiful in retrospect!! we oll changed frm weird students ten to the technocrats of is in mrf in a key management position counting down days of his marriage,panicker crossed arabikadal to a land tat reaps gold..dufaii,pillaichettan about to get married an workin as a top end design engineer in c & g,mumbai..aravi is in a managerial position at tatas, wrkin for a foreign client at a design center in poona, pandithan at his analytical best in l&t chennai..nvy pursuin his passion for speed an dreams of bein a part of an f1 team somwhr down th line..
tk achieved instant stardom, an his measure of eccentricities went around like a wildfire while he himself was down with a condition colled chemical inflammation of intestine,but tat jus 4 a couple of days..thanxx to his high spirits a nu adage came to our campus jargon...
adichh pammpaayikko but tk aavaruthhh....he he...
kudiyan: boozer
paampaayi: to fully get off..
vaal: vomiting after a bad booze
lakshanamothoru vaal: gr8 looking vomitt..